Search results

We have found 68 results of companies with product & services: Consultancy Services

1-20 | 21-40 | 41-60 | 61-68

Turbo Tech Precision Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (India)

Turbo Tech Precision Engineering Private Limited was established in 1989 as a Product Development Consultancy in the mechanical/hydraulic systems area. TurboTech has developed the following systems for the Indian aerospace industry: 1. Aircraft Und
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Unique Technical Management (United States)

Technical Services, Records Management/Oversight, Onsite In service Inspections, End of Lease Inspections, MRO representation and Oversight, Onsite Management
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UPC LLC (United States)

UPC is a leading supplier of cost-effective, easily-deployed production assembly kitting systems and engineering solutions for complex assembly and MRO scenarios in high-value aerospace, avionics, and turbine applications.
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ValuePoint (United States)

ValuePoint is a Private Equity and Consulting firm focused on opportunities in the Aerospace, Defense and Security industries.
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Van Bockel and Partners Belgium (Belgium)

Van Bockel and Partners Belgium : coordination center of Van Bockel and Partners S.L Spain, assisting companies with their offset obligations in Europe and ad hoc other countries.
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VisionWaves (Netherlands)

VisionWaves' Performance Based Logistics solution ultimately assures that the right system is available at the right time with the right configuration. The goal is to manage more on maximum availability, with minimum life-cycle costs.
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WebX Systems Ltd. (United Kingdom)

WebX develops and supplies a range of high-end software products for the aerospace and defense industry including XML Publishing Software, Common Source Database (CSDB), and Workflow Software using state of the art development systems and tools.
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1-20 | 21-40 | 41-60 | 61-68