Search results

We have found 30 results of companies with product & services: Logistics, Transportation, Supply and Spares

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Matas Electronics BV (Netherlands)

MATAS - Specialist in high-tech Electronics

Matas operates as a growing market leader in the production of specialised electronics in several market segments which specialises in high quality electronic products of all sizes and configur
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MIRO Technologies, Inc. (United States)

MIRO Technologies is the leading aftermarket software solution provider for repair, maintenance, remanufacturing, and refurbishment of sophisticated equipment and systems in the aerospace & defence market. MIRO has successfully supported the needs
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Navitec sp. z o.o. (Poland)

Spare parts, overhauls, ugrades of Mi-2/8/17/24/35, L-39, L-410 nad other airplanes and helicopters. Ground equipment, helmets etc.
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Scandinavian Avionics Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (SAM) (Malaysia)

Scandinavian Avionics Malaysia (SAM) was established in 1993 with joint venture partners between NALURI Bhd (formally known as MHS Bhd). AIROD Sdn Bhd , IFU (Industrialisation Fund for developing countries) and Scandinavian Avionics A/S , Denmark. We
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Shenzhen H.C Magnetic Technologies Co.,Ltd (China)

Comprehensive use of 3 main advanced manufacturing technology of sintered Multi-step compound milling Powder Mixing Large block shape magnet forming Special Tools and Fixtures for Sintering Moving cathode coating
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SkyLink Aviation Corporation (Canada)

Operating in remote areas under difficult circumstances, SkyLink Aviation has acquired extensive experience in providing innovative solutions to clients facing a wide variety of transportation challenges. SkyLink`s unique expertise in integrating the
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Snappy Materials (United States)

Snappy Materials is a metal distribution center serving the International Aerospace, Defense, Electronic, Forgings, Industrial, Medical, markets. Our extensive inventory includes a wide array of aluminum, copper, high temperature alloys, nickel a
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Systecon provides consultancy services and software tools for more efficient resource utilization and lower whole-life-cost for technical systems. Our tool suite include OPUS10, the world leader when it comes to cost effective optimization of spares
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XVionics LLP. (United States)

XVionics develops enterprise-level operations management and decision support software solutions for markets including military command & control, healthcare, aviation, homeland security and telecommunications. Our solutions provide visibility acros
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XYBase Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia)

Established in 1992, XYBASE is a leading airport solutions provider.
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