2617 Legends Way, Suite 160
P.O. Box 18038
Erlanger, KY 41018-0038
United States
(859) 344-6770
Shot counters, weapon shot counters, weapon maintenance, weapon diagnostics, weapon maintenance tool, weapon logistics, special operations shot counters, infrared shot counters, round counter, preventive weapon maintenance, predictive weapon maintenance.
Accu-Counter is recognized as the only company providing reliable weapon shot counters (WSC) to military and security agencies worldwide. Following a decade of research and development, procurement of WSC for US-SOF began in 2006. Our shot counters are engineered to track and report the performance of WSC equipped weapons and are viewed by SOF as the “state of the art” in twenty-first century weapon maintenance and logistics for small arms. By using rounds fired and rate of fire data predictive and preventive maintenance is now a reality. This capability affords arms personnel the opportunity to service weapons at OEM recommended intervals. Our unobtrusive, long-life, light weight shot count and rate of fire system provides data to maintain each weapon at OEM peak performance level.
The decades old shoot until it breaks and calendar based weapon maintenance plans are being replaced with usage based diagnostics. Catastrophic weapon failure can now be prevented with the addition of this technology.
The Accu-Counter Weapon Shot Counter has been designed and placed on a number of host weapons. That list includes the M16, M4 and M4A1, HK416, SR15, SR16, MK11, MK12, C14, MK46, MK48, M249.
Last update by Rich Weathers, Mon 27 Jul 2009