For more than four decades, the PAE Group of companies has been providing Operations and Maintenance (O&M), logistics and technical support to the military, governments at all levels, industry, and international organizations such as the United Nations and the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). PAE developed its diverse engineering, base operations and logistical support experience beginning with its first construction contract awards for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ work in post-World War II Japan followed significant U.S. Department of Defense contracts awards for O&M and logistical support services throughout S.E. Asia during the Vietnam era. Today, PAE currently employs more than 5000 skilled professionals operating both government and commercial contracts on five continents, including service contracts in Europe, throughout Africa, in Russia, China, Afghanistan, Singapore, East Timor, Vietnam, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Central America and in the U.S.
Last update by Malcolm (Mac) Campbell