TNO Defence, Security and Safety Company Center

Contact details

Postbus 96864, 2509 JG DEN HAAG
Visit: Oude Waalsdorperweg 63; 2597 AK DEN HAAG
+31 70 374 0300

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TNO Defence, Security and Safety provides innovative contributions to the advance of comprehensive security and is a strategic partner of the Dutch Ministry of Defence to build up the defence knowledge-base. We employ our acquired knowledge for and together with contractors.

We focus on Defence in the broadest sense of the word and our involvement covers a range of activities: military operations, military equipment, command & control and operational decision making, threat and protection, and instruction and training. In the area of Security and Safety, the emphasis lies on combating crime, calamity and terrorism.
TNO Defence, Security and Safety also works for the aviation and maritime sectors, markets in which our knowledge can be of good use. In terms of aviation, we concentrate largely on improving safety while for the maritime sector we focus on naval architecture.
We collaborate with the defence industry and with small and medium-sized enterprises to develop innovative solutions.

Our customers include the Dutch Ministries of Defence, Home Affairs, Justice, Foreign Affairs as well as Transport, Public Works and Water Management, regional/national police forces and fire services, as well as national and international defence-related industries.

TNO Defence, Security and Safety has a thousand employees who develop and apply knowledge in the form of advice, applied research and product innovation. We have three research locations: The Hague, Rijswijk and Soesterberg, all in the Netherlands.


Last update by M. de Geus, Tue 4 Aug 2009