David Stone Director APPDS appointed to executive committee of IAMSP

London, United Kingdom - Nov 3, 2010 - Director of APPDS Ltd appointed to the executive committee of the IAMSP (International Association of Maritime Security Professionals) http://www.iamsponline.org
The International Association of Maritime Security Professionals is a not-for-profit association of those practicing within the Maritime Security domain. It's mission is to raise the standards associated with maritime security by adhering to the best practices associated with professional associations.

Maritime Security focuses on the protection of persons, assets, facilities, information and activities within the martime community. The maritime community is generally defined as being directly involved in or having a significant interest in the movement of persons or goods across oceans, seas or international waterways.

This Association includes perspectives from various naval (military) forces and the merchant marine. We intend to take a balanced approach that respects the cultures of both communities, as reflected in our management structure.

We welcome a variety of perspectives and opinions, believing that critical thinking can lead to more sound practices and concepts within the domain. For that reason, we place a significant emphasis on research and communication within the Association. We also seek those opinions from outside traditional membership communities-the academic and training institutions that will provide the next generation of leaders within the industry.

As professionals, we are committed to conduct our affairs in line with a Code of Practice and to uphold the Constitution of the Association. This is a condition of membership and each member is held to the same standard. Our expectations as a community are clearly communicated within this webspace and include the Constitution, Code of Practice, Membership Criteria and expectations associated with the use of this webspace.

As an Association, we provide value to our members through membership, the ability to benefit from peer review and analysis, training and development opportunities and other efforts. We also pride ourselves on being open to our membership in exploring new ways for them to both benefit from their membership and promote the values of the association abroad.


Company Center: Argonautic Personal Protection & Defence Sysytems Ltd